The recent TOEFL Day event brought together educators, students, and ETS representatives to enhance strategies for effective TOEFL exam preparation using the ELC solution. Held across different schools, the event aimed to foster collaboration between ETS and educational institutions to address TOEFL preparation challenges and maximize the potential of the ELC solution.
During the event, ETS representatives visited classrooms to observe the current use of the ELC solution, providing guidance to teachers. Meetings with school leadership facilitated discussions on implementation strategies, leading to the creation of customized support plans. Teachers participated in interactive sessions to explore professional development opportunities, connect with the global ed Community, and utilize the Teacher Management System for real-time student performance tracking.
Students benefited from engaging demonstrations of TOEFL prep exercises, practice tests, and progress tracking features designed to enhance their confidence and performance on the exam.
The event concluded with schools receiving a ‘TOEFL Day Certificate of Recognition,’ marking the continuance of a long-term partnership, aimed at driving TOEFL exam success through the comprehensive resources of the ELC solution.
Educators left empowered with new strategies, and students felt energized and motivated. TOEFL Day strengthened the partnership between schools and ETS, igniting a shared commitment to elevating TOEFL success and setting the stage for bright futures ahead.